Freshen Up Your Sticker!
Time To Freshen Up!
If you have the old Q 99.7 sticker on your car, or your sticker is fading, it's time for you get the sticker with the all-new Q 99.7 logo!
It's easy! Just request one by clicking the start button below and well send you a new sticker!
Take a BEFORE pic of your car with old sticker, (or no sticker) before you remove them.
Put the new sticker on and take a selfie with you and the new sticker on your car.
Then, share the pic with us via text (413-355-2035), or email (!
Once you've completed the steps above, we'll send you your very own Q 99.7 T-shirt in the mail!
Thank you for support The Q 99.7!
Hope For Today
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:2
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