Senior Shoutouts!

The Q 99.7 wants to recognize the class of 2020... and YOU can help!

We're asking you to give a graduating senior a personalized congratulations message. We will be sharing these shout outs over the air on The Q 99.7!  


Call 413-786-0997 to leave a message with your name and town, along with the student’s name and where they are graduating from. Then we will play them back weekdays just after 8am and 4pm….starting on May 27th. 

It's our way of recognizing their many accomplishments and celebrate the Class of 2020 here in the Greater Springfield area!

Hope For Today

  • 01-21-25

    That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10

Recently Played

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  • 10:44am

    Never Been A Moment

    Micah Tyler

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