The 2020 Share The Love Campaign
It's that time of year again to show some extra love!
In past years, we've invited you to create handmade Valentine's Day cards that have been delivered to amazing people such as area nurses, first responders, veterans, and elderly in nursing homes. THIS year, we will hand-deliver your lovingly handmade cards to active military members, serving at Westover Air Base in Chicopee!
Keep in mind, an encouraging word can go a really long way! We want to show our active military members that we are very thankful for what they do for our community, and nation.
Quick Criteria:
- The cards do not have to be Pinterest worthy, just made with love.
- It's a great activity to do in the classroom or Sunday School class
- Cards can be mailed to, or dropped off at: 335 Walnut Street Ext. in Agawam, MA 01001
- The absolute deadline for getting your Valentines Day cards sent in, is Friday, February 7th
P.S. If we receive enough cards, we'll even send some to those serving overseas! What do you think of that? We're so excited to see what you come up with!
Hope For Today
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:2
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