Nate Thomas

SQUARE - Nate - 2023Nate is originally from Springfield, Massachusetts, but his career in radio has taken him all over the country. He's worked in Hartford, CT, Fresno, CA, & Nashville, TN.  

He's been with The Q 99.7 almost since it's very inception (since 2008). 

Nate serves in the role of President, General Manager and Program Director of The Q 99.7.

He is a husband and the father of two daughters (11 and 13) and loves to share life and faith with you here in the Greater Springfield region.  He is on the air in the evenings Mon-Sat 6:00pm-8:00pm

Hope For Today

  • 01-21-25

    That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10

Recently Played

  • 9:32am

    Grace Got You

  • 9:27am

    More Like Jesus

    One Voice
  • 9:23am

    Ain't Nobody

    Cody Carnes

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